
Posts Tagged ‘ACL’

As well as getting ready for the conference the day to day activity of the team goes on. One amazingly productive member of the team is our own John Dalziel (pronounced Dee-ell).   He has produced a wide range of e-books and is the sole writer, editor and publisher of our monthly e-magazine.  He unbelievably also manages the output from our TV station – yes a TV station.  RSC TV runs a 20-30 minute loop of material which is changed every month.  It usually includes one or more of the Commoncraft videos mentioned in the previous post.  Some subscribers to the e-magazine have asked that the information is  – fed in a more drip-feed way, and so he now has a blog ‘What DL is happening’ so you can keep up with the new stuff a he finds it.   He kindly sends me links for stuff that would be useful for those teaching more complex learners so I’ll put them up here as and when I get them.  As well as all this, he does find the time to be our ACL adviser.

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